Monday, August 8, 2011

By way of introduction...

A few things about me, and the things I have rolling around in my head, in no particular order whatsoever...

*I'm 10 years older than I think I am.  That makes me 31.
*I am not a good test taker.  I always assume the questioner is trying to trick me.
*I was born and raised in Minnesota.  There are implications to this…most good, surprisingly enough. 
*In fact, if I found a great job that would let me move back to Minnesota, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
*I've been to 31 of the 50 states.  I just counted.  It's about what I thought.
*Stupid people and inanimate objects cause me more stress and rage than anything else.
*God and I don't get along because He really believes in me and I really don't believe in Him. 
*At the same time, you can’t grow up in that environment, with 12 years of Catholic school education, and not have a seriously deep respect for religion.
*I used to think I wasn’t responsible enough for a dog, so we had cats – 3 of them.  Now we have a dog too…her name is Miley, she’s a Boston Terrier, and she is absolutely insane.  I love her.
*Even though I love our dog, I still think our cats are the greatest pets ever…distinct personalities, they more or less take care of themselves, and they’re uniquely adorable.        
*I believe in taking care of your body and exercising…but mostly so that you can eat whatever the hell you want.
*I will eat anything.  The weirder it is, the more excited I am. 
*I have an older sister - she lives in Boston.  She’s pretty awesome.
*I got drunk for the first time on 7 shots of vodka, and proceeded to play in my high school pep band during the girls basketball playoffs and made an ass of myself in front of not only my parents, but pretty much the entire student body.  I threw up in the nearest trash receptacle during halftime.
*I don't think we should be helping out people on the coast who have homes destroyed by tropical storms and hurricanes.  You chose to live there, knowing perfectly well that these things are entirely possible.
*I believe the U.S. has turned into the most pussyfooted country in the world.
*I grew up on the greatest street in history…a cul-de-sac where everyone was my age, and we played outside all the time. 
*Speaking of, any child I have is going to spend their free time outside and not playing video games.  They’ll hate me, but at least they’ll be healthy.
*I hate when actors and musicians call what they do their “art.”  What you’re doing is incredible, but it’s not art…it’s acting, and being a musician.  Calling it art doesn’t make it more impressive, it makes you sound like a pretentious asshole.
*I take loyalty and trust very seriously.
*That said, I don’t always make a good friend.
*I usually think I’m right…about everything.
*However, I don’t have a problem admitting when I’m wrong.
*I’m not as much of a risk-taker as I used to be. 
* I believe very few people are truly depressed...the ones who aren’t, but claim to be, either like the attention or are simply bored.
*I don't believe in giving second chances.
*I have an irrational fear of snakes.
*My parents have been married for 40 years this December.  I'm sure this has had a huge effect on every part of my personality.
*I could watch infomercials for hours.
*The best line in the history of recorded music is, "I'm looking California, but I'm feeling Minnesota."
*My hair is slowly disappearing…I’ve come to terms with this.
*I like to be physically clean.  It borders on OCD.
*Unless I’m camping/hiking…then I’ll happily smell like a rank hockey bag.
*Speaking of sports, I believe tennis and hockey are the two greatest sports ever.
*Football, soccer and baseball follow closely behind.
*I think it’s amazing that rugby isn’t more popular in the US.
*The Beatles are the greatest band of all time.
*Pearl Jam is the greatest band of my time.
*I think anything can be funny, but only if the timing is right.  And everyone is fair game for making fun of. 
*I get a kick out of people who knock on my door to ask if I have accepted Jesus into my life.  The answer is no, and chances are that I know the bible better than you self-righteous born-again nut jobs.
*I often think I was born in the wrong era…I should have been born on the American frontier around 1840.
*As much as it kills me to say it, I love Katy Perry’s music.
*If you use hand sanitizer, I don’t want to know you. 
*I love carbs and hate Dr. Atkins.
*I am under the misguided delusion that I will be famous someday.
*My middle names come from both of my grandfathers.
*I love politics, but can’t stand politicians. 
*I believe democracy is an illusion. 
*I also think most voters in the US are borderline ignorant and lazy.
*Wisconsin is a great example of voter ignorance – Governor Walker said what he was going to do, and yet people still voted for him.  Then protested against him…and now want him recalled.  Didn’t you vote for him?  Morons. 
*I think a perfect vacation would be camping in Montana.
*I wish I had more time for kayaking.
*I can recite and/or recognize many lines from many movies and TV shows.  I am a music encyclopedia.
*I've never broken any bones. 
*I think funny thoughts.
*I believe that certain drivers should be put to death for their actions.
*I love the sound and feel of rain. 
*It upsets me when children cry for insignificant reasons.
*It also upsets me when I say, "How's it going?" ...and the recipient of this question mistakes me for their therapist.
*I do not know when to stop eating.  If it's on my plate, it needs to be eaten. 
*I believe in spending more money on something of quality one time, rather than spending less on something cheap several times.
*I think protestors are insane to think they’re causing any real change. 
*I am a hugger.
*I believe the book "Kitchen Confidential" by Anthony Bourdain is the most entertaining book ever written.
*I also think the books by Chuck Thompson have the potential to give “Kitchen Confidential” a run for its money.
*I would do anything that a friend or family member asked of me.
*I smile to myself a lot.  I'm sure that it makes people suspicious. 
*I love America, but I’m just about the least patriotic person you’ll ever meet.
*I am a recovering alcoholic and addict - sober for 8 1/2 years.
*I firmly believe that Magnum P.I. is the greatest show in the history of television.
*I have 3 tattoos.  I want more.
*I am a happy person.
*I am the luckiest guy in the world, as I somehow managed to convince Jenny that hitching her wagon to mine was worthwhile.  She is unquestionably the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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